Sunday, November 26, 2006


I finished Ms O's fingerless mitts and handed them off to her last night. But being the good blogger I am, I forgot to take photos. Whoops. I will work on getting some though, as soon as I can, but no promises as it's been overcast. Scrap that, it's snowing! I mean Victoria snow, so... it's actually sleet. Whatever.

I have also discovered the joy of block printing (my art education class is awesome), and now I really need input! What would be a fitting slogan for this image? (sorry about the poor quality, I'm working from a very small original) I don't want to say excatly what I am up to, but it is in the 5"x7" size range. Slogans can be in any language (ideally one I know, or at least can make some sense of, English, French, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, because some of those would look very cool). So please give me ideas, and help suppor the Knitolution.

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